Tuesday, February 3, 2015

Meet Kristin Armstrong, Spiritual Shaman

Here's my background check. I'm 42, single mom, divorced for 10 years. I have had my fill of dating, let's just say it like it is, who wants to be seen naked for the first time in middle age? Thank God for dimmers and failing eyesight after 40, just saying.



Kristin Armstrong.

Just allowing her name to pass through my mind brings me a measure of peace.

Some background on Ms. Armstrong:

In January 1997, Kristin Richard met Lance Armstrong, the Texas cyclist who at the time was battling testicular cancer. Kristin was working for an advertising and public relations firm in Austin, Texas, when she first met him at a press conference. She recalls he had just finished chemotherapy.

A year after they met, Kristin and Lance were married in Santa Barbara, California. Kristin quit her public relations job, rented her house, sold her Miata, and moved to France with Lance so he could focus on cycling. While Lance went on to beat cancer and win the Tour de France five times during their marriage, Kristin became a stay-at-home mom and raised their three young children (a son and then twin daughters) in the French Riviera. What appeared to be a perfect marriage ended after five years of marriage when Lance and Kristin announced their divorce in 2003 (Lance, in his inimitable style, left Kristin for another woman).

One year before my Ex broke the news that she was filing for divorce from me, I found myself seeking spiritual counsel. It was a journey of twists and turns, and eventually I found myself crossing paths with this book.

It begins:

 Circumstances in life often take us places that we never intended to go. We visit some places of beauty, others of pain and desolation. I never imagined that divorce would be part of my life history or my family’s legacy. When people say that divorce can be more painful than death, I understand why. But like any great trial, God uses everything for good, if we allow Him to heal us.

Kristin is Catholic. But you don't have to be Catholic to hear her call. You don't even have to be Christian. You just need to feel the presence of God and the Infinite, or at least be on a quest to find it.

We'll return to Kristin later.

At the moment, I thought that a short introduction to Kristin might help you better understand where I'm at in life spiritually.

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